Author Interview With Patti Roberts

What exactly do you write?
I am currently writing a Fantasy Fiction call the Paradox Series.

How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?
Can I quote someone else? “But most of all, I owe a lifetime of gratitude to the wonderful Patti Roberts who is an incredible force of nature. She held my hand a guided me through the virtual jungle of self-publishing and self-promotion, and she continues to share her knowledge, advice, and talent unconditionally.” Ella Medler. Author of Blood Is Heavier.

What made you initially want to write? Has your motivation changed since then?
I needed to find something positive for me. I had just gone through a breakup and I was left feeling emotionally lost. Writing helped me find my way back out of a very deep, dark hole. That feeling of hopelessness still drives me to write everyday. Writing put me back together – it made me stronger. I can wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone in need of a little therapy to get them back on track.

What do you think is the most important part of writing?
Enjoying what you do. Knowing your characters inside out. The reader can tell if you don’t. And when that happens, when you fail to know your characters well, you let your reader down and yourself.

Tell us an interesting fact about you.
I believe in past lives.

Do you have a day-job, (other than writing)?
Writing is pretty much full time for me.

Do you prefer a physical book or an ebook?
There is nothing better than picking up a book and discovering what lies between the covers. Having said that though, I do love my kindle.  I love speech to text; it allows me to keep doing what I have to do without having to hold a book. The kindle has allowed me to read so many more great books in the last year.

Are you a self-published author/indie author or did you go down the ‘traditional’ publication route?
Indie all the way.  Way too impatient to go down the traditional route.

Tell us a little about your Paradox series.
The Paradox Series is about two worlds being drawn together. The Ancient World, full on myth, magic, and mayhem where Angels, Demons, and Gods reside. And the New World, where all of those entities, and more, are slowly emerging from out of the shadows…  Some are friend and some are foe…

So, how long does it take you, on average, to complete a first draft?
It usually takes me a year from starting a book to finishing it. I try to use as much fact as I can where possible.

Which projects are you working on at the moment?
Book 3 in the Paradox Series – Bound By Blood – which is due out in October 2012.

How do you come up with the titles for your books? And do you have the final title before completing your book or after?
I have to have the book title and if possible, an idea of the book cover in my head when I start. That makes the book a tangible goal that I’m working toward. I also like to give myself a release date so that I have a time frame and something to commit too.

How has writing changed your life?
Most certainly. Writing has given me a positive challenge, that when met, is the ultimate reward. I guess it is how mountain climbers must feel when the reach the top.

Where do you get inspiration for writing from? Do you listen to music whilst writing or have a ‘writing cave’?
The desk in my room is my writing cave where I hibernate while I’m writing.  I tend to listen to music before I start writing.  That puts me in the mood and inspires me.

Is there a particular form, style or genre that you’d like to have a go at writing?
One day I will do comedy and action/mystery.  Possibly even a children’s book. But right now my main focus is on the fantasy realm.

Favourite book and/or author(s)?
Game of Thrones by George RR Martin. I love his big cast and detailed world building. It is so dark and detailed you can almost smell it, taste it, touch it.

Do you think it’s necessary to have a high-level qualification in English to be a writer?
Absolutely not.  Some people may be fantastic storytellers but hopeless at grammar.  It would be a great shame to miss out on a great story just because the writer felt they had to be good at both. And because of that, prevented them from writing their story.

What would you say to those who want to become a writer? Any advice?
Keep writing, keep reading.  If something doesn’t come together the way you want it too the first, second or even the third time, don’t give up.  Just start again. No one said writing a book was going to be easy.


The Paradox Series Book Trailer
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