Happy Book Birthday to INALIENABLE by S.E. Anderson!
Today I’m delighted to welcome my good friend S.E. Anderson to my blog! It’s the book birthday for the seventh(!) novel in her Starstruck series, and it’s also my stop on the blog tour today. And I LOVE the title for this one: Inalienable.

About Inalienable:
Framed for a murder you actually did commit? Rude.
Sally’s saved the Earth from another alien predator only to be rewarded with a jail cell. With her family threatened by the Agency if she doesn’t rat out Zander and Blayde, her only option to escape the Alliance is to plead ‘aliens’ in a court of law. At least at the Hill Institute for the Criminally Insane, she’ll have time to clear her mind and focus – on revenge.
Finding a way to break out of an institution and cross half the galaxy would be much easier if it weren’t for the midnight screams of terror and eerie doppelgangers lurking at the Hill. With the Agency too focused on capturing the siblings to actually protect the planet, it’s up to Sally to save the day.
Between murder-clown apparitions, alien advocacy groups, and a new translator with compulsive corporate branding, Sally’s got her work cut out for her. Too bad the best plan she can come up with amounts to faux-regicide with the help of an exasperated starship captain. Will she ever find the time to just Netflix and chill?
Not only is S.E. Anderson one of my closest friends, but she’s also an amazing writer. Whenever anyone asks me for SF recs, the Starstruck Saga is always top of my list. Here’s why:
- These books are fun! There’s so much humour in them, and I am guaranteed to laugh out loud while reading.
- But they also cover some serious and important topics, such as mental health.
- The pacing is spot-on. There’s never a dull moment in these books! Tension, tension, tension! But we also have time to breathe too. Each of these books feels like going on holiday.
- The worldbuilding is amazing. Seriously, every new book I read in this series just blows me away. And I love how each book looks at different parts of this worldbuilding.
- The core trio–Sally, Zander, and Blade–are awesome. They’re each strong and determined, but vulnerable too. There is some very impressive character-building here!
- And not to mention that these books are so beautiful. I mean, how gorgeous is the cover!
- And aliens!!!!!!!!