January 2016 Newsletter

Recently, I’ve decided to post previous newsletters up on here, in case they contain important details you might’ve missed. This is January 2016’s newsletter. The one for February 2016 should appear up here sometime in March. To get the next newsletter delivered directly to your inbox, sign up here.

Happy New Year!

I’m delighted to be able to officially announce that I’ve signed a new book deal with Prizm Books!

My second novel, FRAGMENTED, (sequel to UNTAMED), should hit shelves later this year! As soon as I have a release date, I’ll let you know.


After the terrible battle against the Enhanced Ones, Seven and Corin find themselves on the run. With the Enhanced closing in, Seven knows they can’t survive on their own. So, when the opportunity arises to seek refuge with the Zharat, one of the last surviving Untamed tribes, it seems like the perfect solution. After all, these people can offer them safety, medicine and food.

But the Zharat lifestyle is a far cry from what Seven’s used to. With their customs dictating that she must marry into their tribe, and her relationship with Corin breaking down, Seven knows she’s got to do something before it’s too late. But that’s easier said than done in a tribe where you’re the outsider, and going against their rules automatically results in death.

Yet, with the Enhanced still out there, nowhere is truly safe for the Untamed–least of all for the most powerful Seer in the world. And Seven soon discovers the true extent that people will go to in order to ensure that she’s on their side in the War of Humanity.

Battling against the emerging web of lies, manipulation and danger, Seven must remember who she was meant to be. Her life has never been more at stake. Nor has humanity itself.

Add FRAGMENTED on Goodreads.

In other news…

UNTAMED made this blogger’s top ten list of 2015 books! 


And the full list can be found here.

UNTAMED also got a special mention on Ramblings of Another Uni Student’s blog:

“Untamed is a well-thought out novel, and it’s hard to believe that it is a first novel. Untamed is a great book for anyone who is a fan of the dystopian genre but wants something unique and different.”

The full post can be found here.

In December, I took part in the Debut Authors’ Bash. To read my thoughts on whether we’re heading towards a dystopian future ourselves, click here.

And, finally, author T. A. Maclagan shared her recommended reads… and UNTAMED made the list!

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Read the full post here.

That’s it for now–and Happy New Year!
