What Do My Characters Look Like? Here’s Three Sarr.
One of the questions I most get asked as a writer is, “Who do your characters look like? Which real-life people look like them?”
I usually give pretty vague answers, as I can never find actors who look exactly like how I imagined them. But today, I drew this! And he looks pretty much… Continue reading...

Writing Messy First Drafts
I’m nearly halfway through my second first draft of Divided (I’ll explain why it’s the second one in a minute) and I’ve come to an important conclusion. First drafts, for me, need to be messy.
So, Divided is book three in my Untamed Series, and… Continue reading...

My First Book Signing
From the Diary….
At 10.30am on Saturday 24th September, armed with plenty of books, handouts, and materials (pictured below) I made my way through the blustery gales to Okehampton Library, ready for my first ever book signing… (The box of books and materials was a lot heavier than I’d realised, and I felt pretty victorious… Continue reading...

Win a Prize Pack!
There are only 24 days until Fragmented releases, which means you’ve only got 24 days left to enter my pre-order campaign!
Everyone who sends me proof of their preorder of Fragmented will receive a free signed bookcard (either of Untamed or Fragmented–your choice!) and one person will win this prize pack!
24 Days Until FRAGMENTED is Out!!
Wow, I can’t believe there are only 24 days to go until FRAGMENTED (Untamed #2) hits shelves.
Let’s look at the lovely cover….
I am so excited!
At this point with UNTAMED’s launch (that was my first book) I was so nervous… Continue reading...
One month to go until FRAGMENTED is here! Plus, win a paperback!
Friends, I can’t believe that my second novel, Fragmented, is only a month away. This book is so close to my heart and I’m super nervous (already!) about its release… I really hope you all like it.
Fragmented starts off where Untamed (book one) left us… Continue reading...

Swag for FRAGMENTED has arrived!
So, my second book releases NEXT MONTH. And that’s pretty crazy.
Yesterday, a big box of goodies arrived on my doorstep and made the whole thing seem so much more real.
Yes, I have swag for Fragmented! (Notebooks, postcards, and mugs!)
It’s… Continue reading...
Save 25% on these recommended books (including LGBT novels for teens)!
Hey, friends!
Great news! My publisher is having a sale and until the 14th August 2016, you can save 25% on your entire shopping cart with them! Just use the discount code ‘BTS16’.
I also believe this code can be used alongside the discount code ‘preorder15’ which saves you 15% on all pre-orders, so… Continue reading...
Hey, everyone!
So, with my next book (FRAGMENTED, book two in the Untamed Series) releasing in 40 days, I wanted to point you in the direction of my most recent guest post.
Author Annabelle Jay asked me to write a post for her new blog… Continue reading...

Pre-order FRAGMENTED today! And Get Signed Goodies!
Hey, friends!
Good news! My second novel, FRAGMENTED (book two in the Untamed Series) is now available to pre-order through my publisher, Prizm Books (US only) or Torquere Press (international)!
And I’m running a special offer where everyone who sends me proof of their pre-order will receive a signed bookcard and an entry
Cover Reveal for FRAGMENTED (Untamed, #2) by Madeline Dyer
I am soooo unbelievably excited to share with you the gorgeous cover for my next book! Fragmented is the second instalment in my Untamed Series, and this book continues Seven and Corin’s journey as the War of Humanity progresses. Author E. Mitchell calls Fragmented “an amazing, dark, twisting YA book,” and I think that perfectly sums up book two… Continue reading...
60 days until FRAGMENTED releases!
Exciting news, friends! There are only 60 days to go until my next book is out in the world!!
That’s right: 60 days!
So, in two months, you’ll be able to read FRAGMENTED yourselves! I am so excited for this book to be out there. I love it so much–possibly more than UNTAMED… Continue reading...
Writing Sequels Is Hard
Yes, that’s my conclusion of the week. Or even the month. The year? Hmm. Maybe not.
At the moment, I’m busy working on FRAGMENTED, which is Book #2 in the Untamed Series. I’ve got a completed draft (actually it’s the 13th draft of this book), and… Continue reading...