Author Interview With Liz Long

So, what exactly do you write?

Contemporary fantasy, which is typically geared towards a YA feel.

How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?

Liz Long has been writing fantasy stories since she could spell the word “unicorn” (second grade). She fears a zombie apocalypse, though admits it would give her a good reason to stay inside and write as long as she wanted. She is a proud graduate of Longwood University with a degree in English.

What made you initially want to write? Has your motivation changed since then?

I’ve always wanted to write, ever since the 1st or 2nd grade. My motivation’s only gotten stronger since then, only I’ve mostly been writing editorial pieces for the last few years. Now that I have my own book in my hands, though, I’m totally motivated to work harder to put more stuff out.

What do you think is the most important part of writing?

Honestly, the editing. I have an English degree plus a pretty good eye for errors but after staring at our work for hours/days/months on end, we tend to miss things. It’s SO important to have several sets of eyes check out your manuscript before any finalization.

What is your favourite part of writing?

I would say the final edit, but I’m always worried it’s never finished and I go back to tweak all the time! 🙂 So I would go with the creative process–it’s so fun to build characters and worlds that are so different from ours.

Tell us an interesting fact about you.

I am deathly afraid of zombies. I know I listed that in my short bio, but it’s just a weird thing that everyone makes fun of, because I start to freak out when people discuss it as an actuality. I truly believe if any apocalypse were to happen, it’d be from some sort of government disease that created zombies. Gah.

Do you have a day-job, (other than writing)?

I do! I work at a publishing company, where I’m both an administrative assistant and a social media coordinator. It’s a terrific gig.

Do you prefer a physical book or an ebook? Why?

Oh, gosh, I hope I don’t get hate mail over this, but I LOVE an ebook. I used to be really opposed, because I’m obviously a fan of physical books, to turn the pages and crack the spine with re-reads. But ever since I got my Kindle, I love ebooks because it saves tons of room (especially when traveling).

Are you a self-published (indie) author, or did you go down the ‘traditional route’? Why?

I’m an indie and proud to be part of the club! I sent out bunches of queries to agents, with no bites. When I began to think of having control over my story, cover, marketing, etc, I got excited because I love stuff like that. I’m in it for the love of writing and these days, indies are great writers to read, talk to, and know.

Tell us about your novel, Gifted.

Sure! Here’s the official synopsis:
Even in a world of freaks, being a Firestarter is considered a dangerous Gift.Lucy was born with the ability to create and control fire. She longs to leave the human world for one filled with Earthshakers, Transporters, and Chameleons, to name a few. When she rejoins the circus, it’s everything she hoped it could be—new friends, a potential love interest or two, and a place where she can be herself.When troupe members begin turning up dead, however, Lucy is suspected of foul play. She must not only prove her innocence but also realize the full extent of her power. To find the real murderer, she must uncover the truth behind her father’s fiery legacy while figuring out whom to trust within her new circle. Little does she know the history of the Donovan Circus and its enemies might actually destroy the entire gifted world.

So, how long does it take you, on average, to complete a first draft?

For just a first draft, I’d say about 4-5 months. I’m a stickler for errors so I reread a LOT. I also revise as I go (which could be good or bad depending on how you look at it), and I know some authors can do it in far less time, but I try to put as much as I can into the first round to save time for draft 2-6 (or whatever number it ends up being).

Which projects are you working on at the moment?

I’m currently working on a YA title, tentatively called Super Nova. It takes place in the Gifted world just like my first title, but it’s about a high school senior named Nova. Her city is being taken over by criminals and when her sister is murdered in front of her, she sets out for justice. She finds out she’s gifted and that there’s a whole world out there that’s much more dangerous than she thought possible..

How do you come up with the titles for your books? And do you have the final title before completing your book, or after?

Gifted was easy, since that’s the name of their world. I knew from the get-go that “Gifted” would be the title. About halfway through, I added “A Donovan Circus Novel” to show that it would be a series and obviously as it takes place in the circus, I figured it’d bring more curious readers in to take a look at the story.

How has writing changed your life?

Writing hasn’t really changed my life because it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. Sounds a little hokey, but it’s all I’ve ever dreamed about. Writing IS my life, really.

Where do you get inspiration for writing from? Do you listen to music whilst writing or have a ‘writing cave’?

Usually from everyday life. Someone will say something or I’ll see something that kind of resonates with me for whatever reason. I’ll think on it and go “Hm, where could I go with that?” and next thing I know, I’m scrambling for pen and paper to get it all down. Next thing I know, it’s a small novel 🙂 I sometimes listen to music, but not usually. I love the quiet and no distractions (otherwise I wind up singing lyrics or going on a random iTunes hunt for other songs).

Is there a particular form, style or genre that you’d like to have a go at writing? Why?

I eventually want to try my hand at mystery, minus the supernatural aspect (since my novel technically does have a murder mystery). I’ve always liked mystery thrillers, but I never thought I could piece my own mystery together–since I did it with Gifted (although it was a lot easier with the powers part of it), I think I can do it with normal humans, too!

Favourite book and/or author(s)?

This is probably really cliche, but JK Rowling is my go to author. She’s brilliant, easy to understand, and the details! She’s just incredible and the Harry Potter books are easily the most loved on my shelf. If I had to pick ONE book, it’d be Order of the Phoenix.

Do you think it’s necessary to have a degree (of any sort) in order to be a successful author?

No way–just a creative (original) mind with a passion for writing. It’s silly to say anyone “must have” a type of degree when all it takes is a pen and paper (preferably a Mac, though!), and a unique story. I don’t care if you’re a Creative Writing professor or a car mechanic–if your story’s good, that’s what matters.

What would you say to those who want to become a writer? Any advice?

Read, read, read. And don’t be afraid to take a step back for “me” time, whether it’s a book, a movie, or just playing video games with your husband (like I do). Getting burned out doesn’t help anyone, whereas a break every now and then will keep you relaxed and not feeling like it’s too much “work”.

Thank you very much for your time.



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