Author Interview With James Brooks

So, what exactly do you write?
 I write primarily Fantasy Fiction, though I also have a contract with 
Paramount in Nashville as a lyricist.

How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?
Good question! I'll have to tell you when I find the answer. Really, I
think I'm a strange wind that blew through some place looking for
someone I wanted to remember, and found only strangers. Though, that
probably isn't any help.

What made you initially want to write? Has your motivation changed
since then? 
I liked to tell stories as a child, and found writing
them down made them easier to keep in order. Now, I really love to
see, or hear when someone has enjoyed my writings. It is really about
the reader. To do something someone else can enjoy. I mean, its the
greatest feeling ever.

What do you think is the most important part of writing? 
Being able to tell a good story is a real advantage. However, the greatest
part is knowing the craft. Really being able to put on paper what is
in your head, and do it in a way that others can understand and enjoy.

Tell us an interesting fact about you.
This is probably weird, but I can control my dreams. I dream in color. I dream
about whatever I set my mind on before I got to sleep. I can even pause a 
dream, if someone wakes me up before I'm done, and go back to it later. O', 
and I remember every second.

Do you have a day-job, (other than writing)?
I'm not a best seller yet, so yes. I do odd jobs right now, but I am mainly
a Wrangler.

Do you prefer a physical book or an ebook? Why? 
Ebooks are coming on strong, now doubting that, but for me there is now 
replacing the feel and smell of a hard copy book. I am glad some publishers 
are starting to use recycled paper.

Tell us a little about your first publication.
Cruel question.
Just kidding. My first novel was written in 17 days, right after my
family and I had gone through hurricane Rita. I knew nothing about the
publishing industry, and little more about the craft. I had no one
there to help my along, and the whole thing left a bad taste in my
mouth. It is out there still. I use it as a reminder of the importance
of improving every day in my craft.

So, how long does it take you, on average, to complete a first draft?:
)) I am not really a first draft writer. I start a novel, and have an
editor who proofs as I go “As's are a writer's enemy”, and by the time
I am finished, it is ready for the galley proof. This is when The
final editing is done. Well, I guess you can say there are many
sub-drafts with only one final draft. I hope that is not too jumbled
an answer.

Which projects are you working on at the moment?
That is a very long list. I am working on a script, an epic western romance, 
Book two of the Drean series, a short fantasy novella about a female pirate,
and I just finished a short fantasy novella about Redneck thieves.
These are just a few. I still write lyrics consistently.

How do you come up with the titles for your books? And do you have the
final title before completing your book or after?
It depends on the feel of the story, and that usually comes after the last
page is written. However, the tittle may not stick. Publishers often ask for 
a title change so they can place more copies with book sellers.

How has writing changed your life?
Ha, ha. I am still waiting for that. No, really. I guess you could 
say it has allowed me an outletfor my dreams.

Where do you get inspiration for writing from? Do you listen to music
whilst writing or have a 'writing cave'? 
I get it from thin air right now. I have two children at home, and a small
house. I can hear all that is going on, and am interrupted often. Yes. 
I listen to music while writing. It help to drown out the other noise, 
most of the time.The music has to fit the point in the story though. 
Metal for a good battle scene, something smoother for travel, a little Grunge 
for a verbal confrontation, and so on.

Is there a particular form, style or genre that you'd like to have a
go at writing? Why? 
I would love to write something like Hemingway. I love the older style 
of writing. It sounds so much more beautiful than that which the
 publishers force us into these days.

Favorite book and/or author(s)?
The First King of Shannara. It is what introduced me to Fantasy Fiction.

What would you say to those who want to become a writer? Any advice?
Take the time to study and learn the craft, and don't be afraid to
show your work. You only know how you are progressing, if someone
reads what you have written! Please, please, please understand even
the most harsh critic has given you something you can use to help you