Calling all YA Authors, Readers, and Bloggers – #YAchat 16

Get your calendars and diaries ready, folks! On May 10th, 2016 at 3pm EST Tanya Contois (@tanyacontois) will be running a twitter chat especially for YA writers, readers, and bloggers to discuss all things YA.

The hashtag for this awesome chat will be #YAchat16.

This will be, I’m sure, a fantastic event for all of you who write or read YA–and an awesome opportunity to discover new books, find out which titles everyone’s talking about, and discuss the greatly anticipated releases of 2016.

Plus, there’ll be a host of authors taking part so–great news, readers!–you can ask them questions and join in the madness!

I’m happy to say that I (@MadelineDyerUK) will be taking part in this chat as an author (so if there’s anything you want to know about my Untamed books in particular–let me know), and I am so excited. I LOVE twitter chats and interacting with readers and other writers.