Guinea Pigs As Pets (Mad On Animals #1)

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Guinea Pigs As Pets is the first ebook in my new animal-care series, Mad On Animals by M.J.A. Dyer. As the title suggests, this book is all about guinea pigs.

The Amazon Kindle Official Description:

Guinea pigs make brilliant pets for so many different people, but do you know how to correctly look after one of these adorable animals?

This book gives an in-depth how-to guide on guinea pig care, looking at what you should feed your guinea pig, the different cavy breeds, accomodation, and how to breed guinea pig, among other aspects of guinea pig care. With loads of photos included, and split into five parts (Guinea Pigs As Pets, Choosing Your Guinea Pig, Guinea Pig Care, Your Guinea Pig’s Accomodation, and Breeding Guinea Pigs) this book is easy to find the information that you are looking for.


Word Count: 9,580 words.
Publisher: Madeline Dyer
Published: 11 July 2012.
Available to buy from: 11 July 2012
Format: eBook (Amazon Kindle)

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