I’m Back…with a Giveaway!

Hi everyone!

It’s been quite a while since I wrote a blog post and the main reason for that is I forgot my password for the website and my laptop had forgotten it too! But I’m back now, after MANY attempts at remembering my password! (And it is now written down in a safe place!)

So, since December 2018 I’ve been working on a new project. It’s a YA thriller and is really unlike anything I’ve written before. I’m very excited about it, and this weekend I’ve been working on rewrites for it according to feedback that my amazing critique partners and beta-readers have sent me. I’m blessed to know such amazing people who always know how to point out the weaker areas in my manuscripts so I can then attempt to fix them. Rewriting is one of my favourite parts of writing. There’s just something so fascinating about fixing a draft and making it better.

And in other news, I’ve teamed up with several other YA sci-fi and fantasy authors to offer a huge giveaway. One person will win all 14 paperbacks. (This is US readers only, sorry!)

Check out the video below which Sara Crawford put together!

To enter, fill out the rafflecopter below! You’ve got until April 1st to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway