It’s The Final Of ‘Blogger Of The Year 2013’!

Yes, you read the title of this post correctly; it’s the final of the ‘Blogger of the Year 2013’ award, and I’m still one of the contestants! So, a huge, HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for me.

And, I’m sure you know what I’m going to ask you to do now! Yes, that’s right. I’d love it if you could vote for me again. Or vote for the other two participants, it’s completely up to you.

I’m up against two lovely people: Seumas Gallacher and Melodie Ramone. They’re both lovely, lovely people and I’m delighted to have ‘met’ them.

When I found out that I’d been nominated for this award, I was amazed–the main reason being that I didn’t count myself as a blogger! But it’s true, I am. And most writers are, (both Seumas and Melodie are also authors). And, it does just give another excuse to write anyway! So yeah, I’d love to win. But the taking part (as cliche as it sounds) is the main part.  After all, knowing that people have voted for me up to this stage is an incredible feeling.

So, in case you missed it earlier, you can vote for your finalist here. Thank you!

Mad x