Upcoming Short Stories: WE’VE GOT A LIVE ONE and SOLDIER X24K

Two of my short stories, WE’VE GOT A LIVE ONE and SOLDIER X24K, will both be published in September 2013, by Farther Stars Than These Magazine and Yesteryear Fiction, respectively.

WE’VE GOT A LIVE ONE, a science fiction short story, will appear on the front page of Further Stars Than These Magazine on 19th September 2013.

SOLDIER X24K, a science fiction/fantasy short story, will be published by Yesteryear Fiction on 25th September 2013.

I am very excited about the upcoming publication of these two short stories, as they’re both favourites of mine. I actually wrote them about a year ago, but only recently decided to seriously send them to publishers.

Both of these stories are much more science fiction-orientated than my usual writings, (which are more fantasy/dystopia-directed), yet I really like this new style–I say ‘new’, but these stories are a year old–so maybe there will be more science fiction short stories to come. Actually, I hope there will be as I’ve just written a time travel short story which I hope to get published!

Now, due to these two upcoming publications, I have decided to delay the release of my short story collection, WHEN SHADOWS BITE, so that these stories (and maybe more–who knows?) can be included. But, still, this collection should be out by the end of the year.