Author Interview With Connie J Jasperson

Welcome to the second author interview in my new interview series. Here we have a question and answer interview with Connie J Jasperson.

What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?)

I write sci-fi and fantasy, often with a humorous bent.

How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?

Connie J Jasperson is a fluffy grandma who allows the grandchildren to play video games all day and bathe the cat in the toilet, because she is too busy writing salacious tales of derring-do to mind them properly.  (I am such a smart-ass sometimes.)

Do you have a day-job (other than writing)?

No. I was involuntarily retired from the world of corporate America in 2008 at the age of 55. Writing and editing is my life and my obsession. When I am not writing or editing, I am a voracious reader, and I write two book review blogs where I talk about the books that I love.

What made you initially want to write? Has your motivation changed since then?

When my children were small, I was not always able to afford to buy books.  The day came when I had read everything that the library had, and I began to write the sort of stories that I wanted to read in an effort to keep busy.

What’s your favourite part of writing?

When the story makes me lose track of time, and I am so completely absorbed in my work that I have lived the tale.  That is the best part for me. Of course, then come the re-write and the editing process which I am not as good at on my own work as I am for others!

Tell us an interesting fact about you.

In the 1970s and 1980s I was very active as a musician, writing and singing my own songs, with various bands and as a solo artist. Stage fright eventually got the better of me until I began working in a Christian rock band with my youngest daughter at our church. It was different then and I felt no fear, only the joy of the music.
Do you prefer a physical book or an ebook? Why?

I love them both, but for different reasons. A physical book is a wonderful thing to hold, and to look at. But an e-book is much more affordable, requires no dusting, and the spine never gives out no matter how many times to re-read it!

Are you a self-published author/indie author or did you go down the ‘traditional’ publication route? Why?

I am one of the new breed of indie authors, in that I am published by, a small non-traditional publishing consortium.

Tell us a little about your book, The Last Good Knight.

I wrote The Last Good Knight for NaNoWriMo 2010, and completed the first draft in 21 days. The idea came to from a short story that I had written about an elderly knight who after an absence of many years has returned to the place where he had lived his happiest moments. I thought ‘What led him here? What kept this strong old man on the road and saving people for all these years?

The story follows the life of Julian ‘Lackland’ De Portiers, a landless knight who has become a mercenary. His adventures and the adventures of the people that he loved form the story. It is often violent, as life in the middle-ages was, but through it all the ability to find humor in the midst of the grimness kept him going. Lackland is not your usual knight in shining armor! I am more than half in love with him!

Which projects are you working on at the moment?

I have just finished the second draft of the sequel to ‘Tower of Bones’, and have sent it to the beta readers. I am writing a sci-fi romp that is set in modern-day rural Washington State.

How has writing changed your life?

I have focus and the ability to finish a project now, which I never really had as a younger woman. I have an outlet for my creative passion now that my children are grown with families of their own and a reason to get out of bed every morning.

Have you ever written under a pseudonym?

No. I thought about it, but I just went with what it is. The name ‘Robert Jordan’ had already been taken, (snicker).

Where do you get inspiration for writing from? Do you listen to music whilst writing or have a ‘writing cave’?

Right now I am listening to Joe Bonamassa.  I have been a Led Zeppelin fan for all my adult life since I discovered them in high school. That is my favorite band of all time. But I listen to everything, from gospel to hip-hop.  My husband and I frequently attend performances at the Seattle Symphony, whenever we can get the cheap seats!

Is there a particular form, style or genre that you’d like to have a go at writing? Why?

I read a lot of mysteries and political thrillers, but I have never written one. I don’t think I am good at keeping secrets through a whole story, so I may never try it.

Do you think it’s necessary to have a degree (in English or another subject) in order to be a writer?

No. I don’t enjoy reading textbooks usually, which are written by people with degrees in writing. I think you have to understand what entertains you as a reader and then you have to hope that it appeals to other people. Be willing to take criticism and willing to incorporate changes into your work when you receive negative feedback.

Favourite book and/or author(s)? 

2 books changed my life, one as writer and the other as a reader.

The book that changed me as a writer is ‘On Writing’ by Stephen King, both for the amazing story of his life, and for the invaluable technical advice that he has to offer.

The book that was a watershed moment for me as a reader was ‘Dragonflight’ by Anne McCaffrey. I read every fantasy book that I come across by any indie author, but of the big names I have to say  L.T. Suzuki, Mercedes Lackey, L.E. Modesitt Jr., Robert Jordan, Orson Scott Card, David Brin. The list just goes on and on.  There are so many that there is not enough time to mention them all!

What would you say to those who want to become a writer?

Do it!  Write what you want to read, and even if you are the only person who reads it, you must write it!  Join organizations like and other online groups that encourage beginning writers. You are not alone! There are millions of us who are right there with you!


Thank you so much for letting me rant on my favorite subject (writing) today! You are so kind to invite me here!

Connie J Jasperson
Life In The Realm Of Fantasy