Author Interview With Rachel E. Fisher

Welcome to the first author interview in my new interview series. Here, we have a question and answer interview with Rachel E. Fisher, with details about her book, Eden’s Root, and the second novel, Seeds Of War, in the Eden’s Root trilogy.

What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?)

Fiction and particularly science-fiction is a fave.

How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?

Wow, this has to be the hardest question. I am many things all at once. I am a scientist, a reader, a writer, an artist, an athlete, and an entrepreneur. I am passionate and sometimes overbearing, but I love to laugh.

Do you have a day-job (other than writing)?

Yes, I run an eLearning business that serves the education industry.

What made you initially want to write? Has your motivation changed since then?

I am not sure what really happened. I wrote and drew all the time when I was a kid, but over time I focused on my career in science and then adulthood brought many changes. It kind of feels like coming back to a part of me that I’d left behind long ago…like a homecoming of sorts. While there are many other aspects of me that are equally important, it feels nice to allow this importance in my life again. And for some reason creative juices don’t always seem to flow consistently. At times life leaves you feeling empty and at others you are so full that you overflow.

Tell us an interesting fact about you.

I love Spanish but I can’t roll my ‘R’s. I sound ridiculous.

Do you prefer a physical book or an ebook? Why?

ebook. I am addicted to reading on my phone because it’s always there…and I can highlight and know that others may share my highlight. Very cool. AND I can have this indestructible, undying library of titles in my ‘cloud’ that I can always revisit. Heck, the first time I read an ebook, I downloaded 4 on the jetway of a plane. I never could have done that with a real book. I do get the appeal, but I am 100% converted.

Are you a self-published author/indie author or did you go down the ‘traditional’ publication route? Why?

Self-published. Mostly because I didn’t know what I was doing and was impatient and excited about getting my story out there. I am querying and seeking the traditional route as well, but self-publishing has had a lot of unexpected benefits, like free advice.

Tell us a little about your book, Eden’s Root. What’s it about and who’s it aimed at?

Eden’s Root is a ya apocalyptic story. Some call it dystopian and I don’t mind the reference for marketing purposes, but it’s actually an apocalyptic. The books that follow sort of trend dystopian, but I put you right in the middle of the ‘stuff’ when it all hits the fan. It is also science-fiction, though ‘soft’ science-fiction. It’s not really space opera or robots or the things people traditionally think when they think of science-fiction.

The story supposes a worldwide famine triggered by the genetic modification of food crops. Fi Kelly, my protagonist, is just about to turn fourteen when her dying father confesses his knowledge of the coming collapse. He tells her of a safe haven of scientists and heirloom foods buried deep beneath the earth in Canada. It’s name is Eden. He makes her promise him that she will get her little sister there safely and despite her terror, Fi obeys. She trains herself to hunt, gather, and fight as he instructs and transforms herself into the warrior that she will need to be in order to keep her promise. Despite the bleak backdrop, this is really a story of the transformation of people and it even includes romance.

It’s aimed at anyone who likes ya adventure stories, anyone who likes science-fiction or apocalyptics, and anyone who likes action stories or strong female MCs.

And you’re writing a new book, Seeds Of War? Is it a continuation from your first book?

Yes, Seeds of War will be the second in the Eden’s Root trilogy.

Which projects are you working on at the moment?

Currently I am working with my editor on Seeds of War, writing the third (working title to come) aaaaaaand I have notes on a fourth, unrelated book that I can’t wait to write.

Have you ever written under a pseudonym?

No. That is one of the weird choices you make when you self-publish. I am usually a private person so I sometimes wish I’d chosen a pseudonym, but so far it’s been fine.

Where do you get inspiration for writing from? Do you listen to music whilst writing or have a ‘writing cave’?

I do listen to music when I write, quite frequently. I’d really have to say that Rihanna’s ‘We Found Love in a Hopeless Place’ had a large hand in serving as muse to my story. I also write when I run on the treadmill. I run long and slow and I can just zone out and whole scenes will play themselves out for me…and then I’ll go home and write (sometimes before I shower sadly).

Is there a particular form, style or genre that you’d like to have a go at writing? Why?

I definitely will try writing from different POVs. Eden’s Root is a multi-POV (though not tons) third-person story. I can see writing a single POV in the third person and in the first person. I see myself mostly staying in science-fiction, action, adventure, and modern or future time periods (rather than historical).

Do you think it’s necessary to have a degree (in English or another subject) in order to be a writer?

Well I hope not because I don’t. I was always a ridiculously voracious reader growing up and I also have been writing (non creative) for the past decade. I think I qualify, but that isn’t my call I guess.

Favourite book and/or author(s)?

Oh, sooooooo hard.
Isaac Asmiov = God IMHO.

* Books – Fell in love with The Ugly Little Boy (short story) and read everything from there.

Madeleine L’Engle – Love, Love, Love, Enduring Love, Thank You For Inspiring Me, Love.

* Books – All of the Wrinkle in Time Series, Many Waters, A Ring of Endless Light

Rudyard Kipling – Completely indescribable.

* Books – Started with The Just-So Stories (my fave children’s stories ever) and read everything he wrote from there.

What would you say to those who want to become a writer?

If you love writing, then I’d say go for it. There is a big gap between writing and professional success. It seems like it is a marathon, not a sprint, generally speaking. So first just start with the writing. Write something first, that you think is complete. Then share it with others and go from there…

Rachel E. Fisher’s Website and blog.
Rachel E. Fisher’s Facebook.
Rachel E. Fisher’s Twitter.