On July 27 2013 get 3 ‘Mad On Animals’ eBooks for FREE!

Giant Land Snails As PetsYes, tomorrow, July 27th 2013, the following Mad On Animals eBooks will be available on Amazon for FREE. That’s right, you don’t have to pay a penny for them. But what I would like you to do if you do download them (and any author would ask for this) is to review them; it would be greatly appreciated.

The Mad On Animals titles available for free will be:

Giant Land Snails As Pets

Guinea Pigs As Pets

Goldfish As Pets: The Secret Life Of Goldfish

Guinea Pigs As PetsGoldfish As Pets: The Secret Life Of GoldfishSo please do head over to their Amazon pages tomorrow and download!

[And on a side note, if you’d be interested in reviewing any of my other nonfiction books, (others in the Mad On Animals series, or not), then let me know and I may be able to provide you with a free PDF ebook of it].