Portraits, Papers, Cats and Colds

What a strange week it’s been…

I’ll start by sharing the news of our latest addition to our pets: an adorable black and white cat called ‘Sparkie’. We believe he was a stray, as he turned up at our farm in poor condition. He’s now put on some weight, got rid of all his parasites and ticks and, is in general, looking a lot healthier.

Sparkie the cat

Sparkie is a lovely cat, very friendly and trusting. We’ve had him for about two weeks now and he’s been catching lots of mice, accompanying me down to the fields, getting chased by our ponies (Gradbach and Rosie in particular) and meowing as loudly as he can. And his miaow is very loud.

Now let’s go onto the portraits. I, a keen artist myself, was recently ‘modelling’ for my dad’s new painting. He, Lawrence Dyer, is a author and portrait artist (open to commissions!). Check out his website and the section on Portraits. Lawrence is also the author of ‘A Cottage On The Moss‘.

Well recently I’ve had the worst ever cold. Seriously, it’s been horrible. I’ve been blocked up, snivelling and coughing the loudest and most harrowing cough ever. So that’s where the ‘colds’ part comes in. Because of this I haven’t done as much writing as normal. In fact I’ve barely turned the laptop on.

But I have jotted down a few ideas on paper. One in particular is a children’s story based on Sparkie and what he gets up to. Another, more detailed plan, is an idea for a new fantasy YA novel. I don’t want to give too much away, in case it puts me off writing it, but I will tell you I’ve been trawling through pages and pages of mythology and supernatural creatures and beings to find the ‘creature’ for my main character to me. Oh, and at the moment, she’s called Skye. But names, like a lot of things in my writing, change.

About a week ago I recieved the news that one of my short stories has made it through to round 2 of the process at ‘New Myths’. Fingers crossed please.

That’s it for now, keep checking back – you never know when they’ll be a new post to read or some exciting new news!