The End of the Untamed Series
Writing the ending for Destroyed, the final book in my Untamed series, was such a daunting task. There was so much I needed to wrap up and I wanted it to be a powerful conclusion so it ends with a bang, but also an ending that felt appropriate for the story and not just powerful… Continue reading...

New UNTAMED Paperbacks Available Now
The new edition paperbacks for UNTAMED are available now!
The first two copies arrived at my house yesterday afternoon–check them out!

What Do My Characters Look Like? Here’s Three Sarr.
One of the questions I most get asked as a writer is, “Who do your characters look like? Which real-life people look like them?”
I usually give pretty vague answers, as I can never find actors who look exactly like how I imagined them. But today, I drew this! And he looks pretty much… Continue reading...

Writing Messy First Drafts
I’m nearly halfway through my second first draft of Divided (I’ll explain why it’s the second one in a minute) and I’ve come to an important conclusion. First drafts, for me, need to be messy.
So, Divided is book three in my Untamed Series, and… Continue reading...
Grab book one in my dystopian series for $0.99/£0.99!
Hey, everyone!
Just a quick note to say that the kindle edition of Untamed is still on sale! (Yes, my publisher extended its 0.99 sale so it now ends on the 20th September!)
As one of the last Untamed humans left in the
One month to go until FRAGMENTED is here! Plus, win a paperback!
Friends, I can’t believe that my second novel, Fragmented, is only a month away. This book is so close to my heart and I’m super nervous (already!) about its release… I really hope you all like it.
Fragmented starts off where Untamed (book one) left us… Continue reading...
Hey, everyone!
So, with my next book (FRAGMENTED, book two in the Untamed Series) releasing in 40 days, I wanted to point you in the direction of my most recent guest post.
Author Annabelle Jay asked me to write a post for her new blog… Continue reading...

What Have I Been Working On? Writing Update – July 2016
So, I realised it’s been quite a while since I’ve done a general writing update for you on my blog. But that’s because I’ve been kind of busy…
My second novel, Fragmented, is due to hit shelves in 45 days (eeeeeeeek!), and it’s just gone up for pre-order via my publisher’s websites, Prizm
Cover Reveal for FRAGMENTED (Untamed, #2) by Madeline Dyer
I am soooo unbelievably excited to share with you the gorgeous cover for my next book! Fragmented is the second instalment in my Untamed Series, and this book continues Seven and Corin’s journey as the War of Humanity progresses. Author E. Mitchell calls Fragmented “an amazing, dark, twisting YA book,” and I think that perfectly sums up book two… Continue reading...
60 days until FRAGMENTED releases!
Exciting news, friends! There are only 60 days to go until my next book is out in the world!!
That’s right: 60 days!
So, in two months, you’ll be able to read FRAGMENTED yourselves! I am so excited for this book to be out there. I love it so much–possibly more than UNTAMED… Continue reading...
Sign-ups for the Fragmented cover reveal are now open!
Hey, everyone!
Great news! The cover for FRAGMENTED (Untamed, #2) will shortly be revealed and we’re looking for bloggers to help spread the word and reveal the cover with us!
This reveal will most likely take place within the next week–sorry for the late notice–but anyone who’s participating will be sent the cover… Continue reading...

Find Signed UNTAMED Postcards at ALA
ALA (American Library Association) book fest is currently happening in Orlando, Florida, and I’m so happy to say that there are over 100 hand-signed UNTAMED postcards at this book fest for readers to grab!
Writing Sequels Is Hard
Yes, that’s my conclusion of the week. Or even the month. The year? Hmm. Maybe not.
At the moment, I’m busy working on FRAGMENTED, which is Book #2 in the Untamed Series. I’ve got a completed draft (actually it’s the 13th draft of this book), and… Continue reading...