Untamed is featured on Commaful by Storyteller

I am so excited to reveal that Untamed has been featured on Commaful by the amazing Joanna Smith at Storytellers.

Commaful is a platform specifically for sharing short stories in a fun and visual way, and you can now check out a preview of Untamed there. The excerpt that’s featured is actually one of my favourite passages in the book, and I couldn’t stop smiling as I navigated through the pages on Commaful. Some of the visuals are stunning!

I can’t seem to embed the story’s pages directly here, but I have got screenshots to show you exactly what I mean–and please do check out the whole thing here.  (The previews below aren’t in order–there are other frames between them, so the excerpt makes more sense if you read the whole thing.)

A huge thank you to Joanna Smith at Storytellers for putting this together!

And if you’d like to read Untamed, my dystopian novel, it can be found at all the usual retailers.

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