Writing Update April 2013

Well, recently, I haven’t done as much writing as I would have liked to. I’ve just seemed to be really busy all the time…

But, I have been ploughing through the first draft of Blood Of The Phoenix (Spirit Of Fire #2), and I’m absolutely loving it! The first draft of a book is the draft that I like to write the most; it’s the most creative and ‘free’. I’m just under 50,000 words into Blood Of The Phoenix, and there’s some pretty good stuff in there, even if I do say so myself! 😉 Nah, I don’t mean that in a big-headed way; I’ve just got the writing buzz. 🙂

Once I finish Blood Of The Phoenix’s first draft (around 130,000 words) I’ll be moving swiftly onto the first draft of the third Forbidden novel, Forbidden Minds. And then I’ll be moving back to working on The Werewolf’s Daughter, so there’s a lot to do!

And, aside from all that fiction, I’ve still got my nonfiction writing to keep on top of. The fifth Mad On Animals book should be out very, very soon too.