Want To Know More About Me? Cheryl Headford, Rivka Spicer and Skelat.com Have Interviewed Me

So, just a quick post to point you towards the interviews that my twitter-friends, Cheryl Headford and Rivka Spicer, have done with me, and the interview by Skelat.com

I love taking part in interviews, but normally I’m the interviewer. And these last three times, it was the other way round. And it was great. I found that I love to talk about myself!

So, want to find out more about me? You can read the interview that Cheryl Headford did here.

It was really fun answering her questions because she gave me some of the best questions that I’ve ever had. I particularly liked the one where I had to tell you, in a character’s voice, why you should read about them. I felt that these quesitons were all highly imaginative and creative, not the usual ‘where were you born?’!

And, if you haven’t already read the interview that Rivka Spicer did with me then check this one out too! 🙂

This was a really fun interview to do as Rivka went into a lot of detail regarding bookish stuff. And I love talking about bookish stuff!

Onto number three: this interview was run by Skelat.com, who also nominated me as Blogger Of The Year 2013 (and I was a finalist!). And you have to read this interview as I tell you the first line of one of new work-in-progress! Exciting times.