Get Your Writing Questions Answered!

Hey, friends!

So, for next couple of months, I’m going to be running a blog series where myself and other professional writers will answer your writing questions! This series will be called ‘Your Writing Questions Answered’.

The aim is to answer a question every week–but for this, we need your questions!

So, what… Continue reading... | 13 Comments

Writing a Successful Query Letter, Plus the Query Letter that Got Me Four Offers

So, I’ve been talking to a lot of people about querying lately and giving them advice on how to write a good query letter… because, let’s face it, query letters are SO important. They’re the first thing that an editor or agent will read, and a poorly written query letter suggests a poorly written manuscript–and… Continue reading...

Guest Post: What A Character by K. L. Schwengel

Today, we have a guest post by K. L. Schwengel, as part of her First Of Her Kind Blog Tour.


Plot can drive a story, but without characters to keep it on the road, even the most intriguing plot can spin into the ditch. Not just any characters will do… Continue reading... | 2 Comments

At What Age Does A Writer Become A Writer?

Good question. And quite a tricky one too.

For as long as I can remember, the ambition to be a successful writer has always been within me–even if it was subconscious. I realised this when I tried to work out how old I was when I first started writing–which I soon found to be… Continue reading...

The Importance Of Grammar, Spelling and Formatting

When I read a book, if I find a lot of grammar errors, spelling mistakes or formatting issues in the opening chapter, then I’m unlikely to read on. There’s just something about such errors that annoy me. And I doubt that I’m not the only one.

Not only do mistakes make it hard to… Continue reading...

Guest Post: How to Write a Character Who Could Sink The Titanic by J. Whitman

Ok, so recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about characterisation and te importance of making a character seem real to the readers. Before I write, I like to know as much about my characters as possible; after all, if they don’t seem real to me, they haven’t got a chance with the readers.

I… Continue reading...

Guest Post: Characterisation by Carlie M. A. Cullen

Guest Post: Characterisation by Carlie M. A. Cullen

Today, we have a guest post by author Carlie M. A. Cullen as part of her blog tour for her debut novel, Heart Search: Lost.

So, as I got to set the topic of this guest post I decided on characterisation, for two reasons. The first is that I believe that good characterisation is… Continue reading... | 1 Comment

Can You Write A Book In A Week?

Yesterday, I was reading a very interesting post, that I was linked to from twitter, and it was very, very inspiring.

Most people think of writing a book as a very long-winded process that takes years to finish properly. Well, of course you do need to do more than one draft, and loads of… Continue reading...

Writer’s Block – What Is It?

Many writers complain of getting or having ‘writer’s block’ but what exactly is it? Writer’s block is a condition that many writers will experience at some time, some get it a lot, others rarely get it. It causes the writer to loose the ability to produce new work for a length of time (some have… Continue reading...