Editor Interview with Jenn Waterman
I’m delighted to do this interview with you. Yay!How would you describe yourself in a third person bio? Jenn Waterman is a passionate person about most things in her life, not afraid to shed tears or throw words around when needed. In the most simplest way. Otherwise, a complicated
Excerpt from ‘Heart Search: Lost’ by Carlie M. A. Cullen
Today we have an excerpt provided by Carlie M. A. Cullen from her latest book, Heart Search: Lost.
“What are you making doe eyes at him again for?” Dayna sneered, placing her tiny hands on her hips.
“P-p-pardon?” Jasna stuttered in surprise and a look of confusion marred her
Guest Post: How to Write a Character Who Could Sink The Titanic by J. Whitman
Ok, so recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about characterisation and te importance of making a character seem real to the readers. Before I write, I like to know as much about my characters as possible; after all, if they don’t seem real to me, they haven’t got a chance with the readers.

Guest Post: Characterisation by Carlie M. A. Cullen
Today, we have a guest post by author Carlie M. A. Cullen as part of her blog tour for her debut novel, Heart Search: Lost.
So, as I got to set the topic of this guest post I decided on characterisation, for two reasons. The first is that I believe that good characterisation is… Continue reading... | 1 Comment

Author Interview With Carlie M. A. Cullen

Giveaway – Heart Search: Lost by Carlie Cullen
So, as I’m taking part in Carlie Cullen’s blog tour for her debut novel, Heart Search: Lost, I’m going to be getting a lot of cool things to share with you. Some of the things that we have coming… Continue reading...

Author Interview With Marc Nash

Author Interview With Alicia Coston
I enjoy writing suspense novels or thrillers.
How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?

Author Interview With Charlotte Stokes
Author Interview With Adam Croft
So, what exactly do you write?
Principally, crime fiction. My two main series are the Knight & Culverhouse crime thrillers and the Kempston Hardwick Mysteries.
How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?
Wow, a tricky one. The shortest one I’ve ever used was my Twitter bio for a little while… Continue reading...

Author Interivew With Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar

Author Interview With Stephen Faulds

Author Interview With Marie Fostino
Today we have an author interview with Marie Fostino. A few weeks ago, Marie gave me a copy of her novel, The Silver Locket, in exchange for a review. The review can be found here

Giant Land Snails As Pets (Mad On Animals #2)
‘Giant Land Snails As Pets’ is the second book in my animal care series, Mad On Animals by M.J.A. Dyer.
Amazon Kindle Official Description:
Giant land snails make very good pets for so many people. This handy guide provides a range… Continue reading...

Guinea Pigs As Pets (Mad On Animals #1)
Guinea Pigs As Pets is the first ebook in my new animal-care series, Mad On Animals by M.J.A. Dyer. As the title suggests, this book is all about guinea pigs.
The Amazon Kindle Official Description:
Guinea pigs make brilliant

Writing Update 11 July 2012
So, recently I’ve been very busy. VERY busy, in fact.
In just a few days, my first non fiction ebook, Guinea Pigs As Pets, will be released.
I’m still going strong with draft 2 of Spirit Of Fire… Continue reading...

New Release: Guinea Pigs As Pets
Very, very shortly my first non-fiction ebook, Guinea Pigs As Pets, will be published on Amazon Kindle.
Guinea Pigs As Pets is essentially a how-to guide about guinea pig care.
I have been writing this ebook on and… Continue reading...

Author Interview With Cheryl Headford
So, what exactly do you write?
Books. Sorry, facetiousness comes second only to sarcasm with me. Where do I start. First, apart from one specific project I don’t write erotica. Yes, my stories do often have sex in them. Sometimes there is… Continue reading... | 2 Comments
Author Interview With James Brooks
So, what exactly do you write?
I write primarily Fantasy Fiction, though I also have a contract with
Paramount in Nashville as a lyricist.
How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?
Good question! I’ll have to tell you when I find the answer. Really, I
think I’m a strange wind… Continue reading...

Author Interview With Liz Long
So, what exactly do you write?
Contemporary fantasy, which is typically geared towards a YA feel.
How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?
Liz Long has been writing fantasy stories since she could spell… Continue reading...

Author Interview With Jake Needham
So, what exactly do you write?
Contemporary crime fiction, set mostly in Asian cities like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Bangkok.
How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?
Jake Needham is an American screen and television… Continue reading...

Author Interview With Allen Renfro

Author Interview With Martha Bourke

Author Interview With CJ Daugherty

Author Interview With Lorna Suzuki
What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?)
I write YA fantasy (The Dream Merchant Saga) with my teenaged daughter and I’m proud to say this trilogy is fast becoming as popular… Continue reading... | 1 Comment
Author Interview With Emily Mah Tippetts
What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?)

Author Interview With Patti Roberts
How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?

Author Interview With Stacia Carlton

Author Interview With Douglas Wickard
What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?)
I write fiction. Thrillers. Suspense mysteries. Novels.
How would you describe yourself in a short third person bio?
Douglas Wickard comes from a… Continue reading...

Author Interview With Luke Wortley
What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?)
I consider myself a fiction writer, although I do not attach myself to any one genre in particular. To be honest, I like to experiment… Continue reading...

Author Interview With RM Wilburn
What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?
I suppose my official genre is YA fantasy

Author Interview With Bonnie Louwerens
What exactly do you write? (Fiction? Genre? Novel? Short story? Series? Technical or nonfiction? Articles? Reviews?)
Right now I am currently working on a YA Paranormal series. I mainly seem to write YA fiction as I also have a YA dystopian… Continue reading...

Author Interview With Stephen Massie

Author Interview With Lannie Wright

Author Interview With Connie J Jasperson

Author Interview With Rachel E. Fisher
Welcome to the first author interview in my new interview series. Here, we have a question and answer interview with Rachel E. Fisher, with details about her book, Eden’s Root, and the second novel, Seeds Of War, in… Continue reading... | 2 Comments